Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access ANC lessons in Canvas?

If you are already a Canvas user: Our materials are available in Canvas Commons. Navigate to the Canvas Commons page from your Canvas classroom and then search “Arlington National Cemetery.” ANC’s lessons will pop up in Commons, where you can import them into your own Canvas classroom and assign the materials to your students.

Not a Canvas user?

Start by setting up a Canvas Free-for-Teacher account at this link: You will then access to Canvas Commons and can start accessing ANC’s lessons by searching “Arlington National Cemetery.”

Why should I use Canvas to deliver my ANC lessons?

Canvas is a leading learning management system (LMS) in K-12 education. Canvas offers our materials in new interactive formats suited for the modern classroom. By accessing our lessons via Canvas, you can customize content to fit your curriculum needs; incorporate interactive student discovery opportunities; collect data with already-created quizzes; and import results to your Canvas gradebook. 

When will the lessons be available? 

All lessons currently found on ANC’s Education Program website will gradually be released to Canvas Commons over the next five years (2024-2029). 
Lessons available as of December 2024: 
  • Who’s Buried at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?
  • The Unknown Soldier and National Community
  • Veterans Day
  • Memorial Day
Keep checking back to see additional lessons! 
If there is a specific lesson that you would like to see added, please reach out to ANC at 

How can I get help to navigate Canvas and access these materials? 

All Canvas users (regardless of free or paid account status) have access to Canvas’s extensive support network, via Canvas Community and help guides. Every Canvas homepage (or classroom) is set up differently. A help guide icon or button will generally appear on the lower left side of your dashboard. These guides and help options allow you to learn more about the LMS’s functionality and how to troubleshoot issues.

If you have a specific question about ANC’s education materials, please reach out directly to

Will lessons and other materials still be available on this website? 

Yes! All the ANC Education Program lessons will continue to be available on this website. You can access, download and print all materials (in PDF or PPT format) directly from this website.
If you prefer increased interactive components, where students can digitally explore the lesson materials, then Canvas is for you!